Florist Delivery to Munich, Germany offers same day flower delivery to many popular international destinations including Munich, Germany. Flower and plant delivery to Munich and the surrounding 25 boroughs has never been easier. From the 1st borough of Altstadt-Lehel to the 25th borough of Laim our local area professional florists make deliveries daily to all area businesses including Krankenhaus Martha-Maria, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Deutsche Bank.
What Our Customers Are Saying:
* Same day delivery is key. Flowers are high quality.
* Used them for five years now. No complaints.
* Been very pleased with gifts and flowers sent overseas the past 2 years. Value for money.
Order by Phone 24 / 7:
Help Hours:
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday-Friday
9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday
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